Chairman Speech
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It is a great honor to write this message on the occasion of the international business which comes after eight years on how we should make the most serious and appropriate step to participate in the world.

As we all know, the global marketplace has asked many industrial companies to make their products and services available for markets across the world and to bring new standards of quality and service to global market. At Zhi-xing, we welcome the challenge to teach and to learn. Although the world was much simpler in 1984, there are some basic Zhi-xing values that are just as important today.

1) Strive for great productivity and speed of manufacturing and delivery.
2) Design and stamp the best tools (dies) in the world.
3) Employ the new technology and the efficient machinery equipment of tools for productivity.
4) Refer to the requirement of all our clients, Employ the suitable technically and available global steel types.

We look forward to being of service to you.
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